Shipment status
- Waiting for details: Tracker App is still waiting for the carrier to return the tracking information based on the tracking number entered by the user.
- Query failed: There is an exception with the current tracking number, and Tracker is unable to track it.
- Unfulfilled: The merchant is preparing the shipment and it has not been shipped yet.
- Shipped: The merchant has shipped the package through the carrier.
- Picked Up: The carrier has picked up the package.
- In Transit: The carrier is transporting the package.
- Arrived at Delivery City: The package has arrived in the city where the user is located.
- Out for Delivery: The courier is about to start delivering the package.
- Delivered: The package has been delivered and signed for.
- Returned: The package has been returned to the sender due to some abnormality.
- Canceled: The shipment has been canceled due to some abnormality.
- Returning to sender: The package is returning to the sender due to some abnormality.
- Exception: There is an exception in the delivery of the package.
- Refused: The recipient refused to sign for the package.
Here are some reasons might cause the exception or abnormal situation:
Incomplete address, customs clearance issue, restricted goods, infringing goods, lost or damaged, etc.