How to use Coupon code
To enhance your shopping experience, Tracker now offers a coupon checking function to help you save money. Simply copy and paste the relevant coupon codes before proceeding to checkout.
All coupons available in Tracker are sourced directly from the email address you have synced and the merchants with whom you have placed orders. Rest assured that Tracker App strictly adheres to our terms of service and privacy policy, ensuring the protection of all user data.
How to get coupons:
1. From merchant
- Tracker will automatically recognize the stores where you have made purchases and retrieve the coupon information from those merchants.
- If your current list does not have any relevant coupon information, it means that Tracker has not yet obtained any discount information from those specific merchants.
2. From email inbox
- Once you link your Gmail or Outlook email through “Shipment tracking sources”, Tracker will automatically sync the coupon information found in your email and display it in this list.
- If your current list does not have any relevant coupon information, it means that Tracker has not yet retrieved any discount information from your linked email.
Please note that Tracker does not participate in any issues related to coupons. If you have any questions regarding the validity or other details of a coupon code, please contact the relevant merchant for further clarification.
At Tracker, we are dedicated to improving our coupon checking function to better serve our users. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at